Searching for Susu Part 2

APRIL 2017 EMERGENCY FUNDAMENTALS The search for Susu has become a quintessential part of this trip to Africa for me.  The search has become both personal and metaphorical.     . Being charged by Rosemary to find Susu, I imagine myself embracing him and presenting him with a new bicycle.

Searching for Susu Part 1

SEARCHING FOR SUSU PART 1 I’m not sure exactly when Rosemary left Zambia for England and then Canada, but it was probably in the 1970s.  Born in Zambia, she lived as a child with her family on a large farm on Leopard’s Hill Road, some distance outside of Lusaka.When Rosemary’s parents sold

Professor Chifumbe Chintu

PROFESSOR CHIFUMBE CHINTU The inspiration for OkaZHI was borne out of the friendship between Professor Chifumbe Chintu and OkaZHI founder Dr. Bill Nelems.  Professor Chintu served as an advisor and moral compass to OkaZHI.  Professor Chintu passed away on May 4, 2017. I first met Chifumbe in 1962 when we

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